頁數(shù): 7頁
Accor ding to Office Party of mass line education pra ctice a ctivities le d group of unified arrangements, units main le d to for ca dres w orkers Shang a times party lect ure, due to himself level limited, only put t his stage conce ntrated lear ning of ex perience today and everyone common with lear ning exchange, pur pose is let w e further dee p understa ndi ng mass li ne of connotati on, i n
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頁數(shù): 4頁
減壓閥標準匯總 標準編號 標準中文名稱 標準英文名稱 JB/T10367-2002 液壓減壓閥 GB/T12245-1989 減壓閥性能試驗方法 Methods of performance test for pressure reducing valves GB/T12246-1989 先導(dǎo)式減壓閥 Pilot-operated reducing valves GB/T12244-1989 減壓閥一般要求 General specification for pressure reducing valves GB/T1852-1993 船用法蘭鑄鋼蒸汽減壓閥 Marine steel flanged steam pressure reducing valves GB10868-1989 電站減溫減壓閥技術(shù)條件 Specification of the steam