大?。?span class="single-tag-height">176KB
頁數(shù): 17頁
is one of the practical form of values. The so-calle d value s refers to the objective thi ngs are of no val ue and the val ue of fundame ntal perspe ctive. Different value s, pe opl e's behaviour, attit udes, ways are different. People -orie nted focus on huma n value a nd realit y, we need t he br oade st masses as val ues. A dhere to people-orie nted value s, is t o make the economy more deve l
大?。?span class="single-tag-height">48KB
頁數(shù): 5頁
- - 1 目 錄 1 編制依據(jù) .............................................. 2 2 編制原則 .............................................. 2 3 編制范圍 .............................................. 3 4 工程概況 .............................................. 3 5 主要工程數(shù)量表 ........................................ 4 6 施工組織機構 .......................................... 4 7 施工場地布置及準備 .................................... 5 8 施工
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