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頁(yè)數(shù): 6頁(yè)
Xiaoping theory a nd the im portant t hought of the thr ee represents a nd the sci entific Outlook on devel opme nt. Such cha nges were made , is conducive to impleme nting the innovation of Marxism in Chi na, especi ally the scientifi c concept of devel opme nt the strategic ta sk of arming the w hole party, play grass-r oots organizati ons in pr omoting the sci entific Outlook on devel opme nt i
頁(yè)數(shù): 2頁(yè)
腳手架立桿荷載計(jì)算 : 作用于腳手架的荷載包括靜荷載、活荷載和風(fēng)荷載。靜荷載標(biāo)準(zhǔn)值包括以 下內(nèi)容: (1) 每米立桿承受的結(jié)構(gòu)自重標(biāo)準(zhǔn)值,為 0.1248kN/m N G1 = [0.1248+(1.50 ×2/2) ×0.038/1.80] ×23.00 = 3.606kN ; (2) 腳手板的自重標(biāo)準(zhǔn)值;采用木腳手板,標(biāo)準(zhǔn)值為 0.35kN/m2 N G2= 0.35 ×6×1.5×(0.8+0.2)/2 = 1.654 kN ; (3) 欄桿與擋腳手板自重標(biāo)準(zhǔn)值;采用欄桿、木腳手板擋板,標(biāo)準(zhǔn)值為 0.14kN/m N G3 = 0.14 ×6×1.5/2 = 0.63 kN ; (4) 吊掛的安全設(shè)施荷載,包括安全網(wǎng); 0.005 kN/m 2 N G4 = 0.005 ×1.5×23 = 0.172 kN ; 經(jīng)計(jì)算得到,靜荷載標(biāo)準(zhǔn)值 N G =NG1+