大?。?span class="single-tag-height">318KB
頁數(shù): 54頁
[遼寧]某醫(yī)院工程招標文件——工程名稱:某醫(yī)院建設工程 5.結構類型:鋼筋砼框架結構 6.招標范圍:施工圖紙所示內(nèi)容(詳見清單部分的總說明) 7.建筑要求:本工程耐久年限為一級、抗震烈度按七度設防、耐火等級為一級。 8.施工招標方式:公開招...
大?。?span class="single-tag-height">44KB
頁數(shù): 6頁
In order to e nsure normal tea chi ng or der, protecti ng student s ' healt hy growth, ensuring t hat nati onal (pr operty) is not lost, to preve nt or minimize the occurre nce of safety acci dent s, follow t he "preve nt, rescue ea ch othe r, ensure safety and re duce losses" pri nci ple, a ccordi ng to the l oca l conditi ons, make t he manageme nt system. 1, t he pri nci pal is t he responsi bi