頁數(shù): 72頁
Gay is now a provi nci al key constr ucti on pr oje ct of aluminum Ltd---pr ovince wit h an annual out put of 50,000 t ons of technical i nnovation pr oject of environmental prote ction a nd e nergy savi ng of ele ctrolytic al uminum proje ct manager. In thi s technologi cal transf ormation proje cts, he ha s overall responsi bility for the day-to-day affairs of the pr oject. In or der to e nsure
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頁數(shù): 72頁
Gay is now a provi nci al key constr ucti on pr oje ct of aluminum Ltd---pr ovince wit h an annual out put of 50,000 t ons of technical i nnovation pr oject of environmental prote ction a nd e nergy savi ng of ele ctrolytic al uminum proje ct manager. In thi s technologi cal transf ormation proje cts, he ha s overall responsi bility for the day-to-day affairs of the pr oject. In or der to e nsure