大?。?span class="single-tag-height">3.7MB
頁數(shù): 28頁
目 錄 第一章 工程概況 ........................................................................................... 1 第二章 組織機構 ........................................................................................... 1 第三章 機具設備投入 ................................................................................... 3 第四章 運輸方案 ....................................................................................
大?。?span class="single-tag-height">378KB
頁數(shù): 43頁
probl ems that ca nnot be ignored. Some leaders unwilli ng to do masses w ork, masse s concept weak , on masses feeli ngs not dee p, pe ndulum not are with masses of relationship, think masses w ork is revol utionary war era of thing s, now obsolete has, burie d busi ness w ork, ignored masses w ork of situation com pared General ; some lea ders not do masses w ork, ol d method regardless of with,