公司名稱 | 濰坊天一科技發(fā)展有限公司 | 成立時間 | 2001年03月02日 |
總部地點 | 濰坊市奎文區(qū)濰州路728號 |
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頁數: 2頁
評分: 4.5
○ 配備XD-10-9型高速貼標站; Allocate the XD-10-9 type high-speed labeling station
○ 斜齒傳動系統(tǒng),低噪音、低磨損、更平穩(wěn); Helical gear transmission system, low noise, low wear and tear, more stable
○ 類懸臂操作界面,機器控制更隨心;Operate interfaces with similar cantilever, the machine controls and follows one''s inclinations even more
○ 同步對中式護瓶調整系統(tǒng),保障瓶子的平穩(wěn)轉動;Moving ahead simultaneously will protect the bottle and adjust the system to the way of center, ensure the rotating steadily of the bottle
○ 分體式中心導板系統(tǒng),進出瓶子間隙實現分別調整;Assign to the style center and lead the board system, pass in and out the bottle interval and realize adjusting respectively
○ 3標站全離合布局,膠水管理更科學; Three label stations stand all from overall arrangement of shutting, glue manage science
○ 壓瓶高度自動調整系統(tǒng),自動判定瓶型高度,一鍵完成調整; Keep the bottle height and adjust the system automatically, judge the bottle type height automatically, press the button can be finished adjusting
○ 刷標系統(tǒng)分型管理,實現無工具操作,更換瓶型、標型在數分鐘輕松完成;Brush and mark the dividing type of the system to manage, realize having no tool to operate, it finishes easily in several minutes to change the bottle type, marking type
○ 氣源壓力過低報警系統(tǒng),自動協(xié)調設備匹配速度; The source of the gas pressure crosses the low warning system, coordinate the equipment and match the pace automatically
○ 缺瓶、斷瓶、倒瓶全方位判別系統(tǒng),實現瓶標全程監(jiān)控,智能降低消耗。Lack the bottle, disconnected bottle, pour the bottle to differentiate the system omni-directionally, realize the bottle is marked and controlled in the whole journey, intelligence lowers consumption
公稱生產能力Output:70000瓶/小時(bottle per hour)
可調速度范圍speed range:8000-120000瓶/小時(bottle per hour)
貼脖標、身標、背標Neck label, body label and back label: 70000瓶/小時(bottle per hour)
貼頭標(鋁箔)、身標、背標Top label(aluminum foil),body label and back label:68000瓶/小時(bottle per hour)
標簽部分Label part
貼標種類Styles of labels:鋁箔頭標、脖標、身標、背標Top label(aluminum foil),Neck label, body label and back label
適用瓶徑Diameter of Bottle:50-115mm
適用瓶高Height of Bottle:150-350mm
標簽寬度Width of label: max=130mm
輸瓶部分Lose the bottle part
托瓶盤數Number of bottle holding trays:48
標掌數目Number of label models:10
輕鼓工位數Number of Rotating Hub Stations:9
機器內輸瓶帶長度Length of bottle chain inside the machine:3880mm
主電機Main electromotor
電壓Voltage:380±10%V 頻率Frequency:75Hz 調頻范圍Frequency range:0-100Hz 功率Power:11.0KW
設備總重量Total weight of machine:約11.0噸(about 11.0tons)
耗標率Label consume rate:雙標Two-label≤2‰ 三標Three-label≤3‰
貼標過程中商標破損Label damage rate:<0.05%
粘合劑消耗Bound consumption:三標Three-label(非封頂標、身標、背標Non-sealing top label、 body label、back label)<0.5kg/kl(640ml標準瓶Standard bottle)
包裝容器損耗Packing damage rate:<0.1%
設備原因造成的漏標No missing label because of the equipment:無No
貼標質量Quality of labeling
貼標合格率Quality rate of labeling:≥99.5%
頸標或頭標與主標上下中心線對正偏差Neck label and main label tolerance≤3.0mm
主標、背標左右靠外端對稱點高度偏差Main label and back label tolerance≤2.0mm
身、背標對中度偏差Body label and back label tolerance≤1.0mm2100433B